
Text Encoding Initiative

The XML Version of the TEI Guidelines


TEI.wsdNames file containing parameter entity declarations for all generic identifiers used in the writing system declaration

The parameter entities in this file all take the same form as the two shown below:

<!ENTITY % n.figure 'figure' >
<!ENTITY % n.character 'character' >
Element and attribute-list declarations in the DTDs refer to the parameter entity n.character, not directly to the generic identifier <character>. As a result, the declarations will function as desired even if a new generic identifier is substituted. E.g. <char> for <character> and <wsdFig> for <figure>:
<!ENTITY % n.figure "wsdFig" >
<!ENTITY % n.character "char" >

This allows generic identifiers to be renamed conveniently, e.g., to provide names in languages other than English, or to provide shorter names than those documented here. See further chapter 29 Modifying and Customizing the TEI DTD.

Declaration <!ENTITY % TEI.wsdNames PUBLIC '-//TEI P4//ENTITIES Generic Identifiers for Writing System Declaration//EN' 'wdgis2.ent' >
See further 25.1 Overall Structure of Writing System Declaration

Up: 34 Entities