
Text Encoding Initiative

The XML Version of the TEI Guidelines


ISO-date as the declared value of an attribute, indicates that the attribute value should be a legal ISO date in the format defined by ISO 8601:2000(E) Data elements and interchange formats — Information interchange — Representation of dates and times, e.g. yyyy-mm-dd.

For the parser, this entity has the same effect as specifying a declared value of ‘CDATA’. For the user and the application program, however, ‘%ISO-date;’ documents an additional restriction on the legal content for this element.

The most prominent examples of this declared value type are the value attribute of the <docDate> element in the core tag set, and the date attribute of the <admin> element in the base tag set for terminology.

Declaration <!ENTITY % ISO-date 'CDATA' >
See further 3.8.3 Parameter Entities for TEI Keywords

Up: 34 Entities